A poem that reads from the first line to the last as it does from the last to the first is called a line unit palindrome poem. The following is an example, a favorite of mine:
Doppelganger by James A. Lindon
Entering the lonely house with my wife I saw him for the first time Peering furtively from behind a bush -- Blackness that moved, A shape amid the shadows, A momentary glimpse of gleaming eyes Revealed in the ragged moon. A closer look (he seemed to turn) might have Put him to flight forever -- I dared not (For reasons that I failed to understand), Though I knew I should act at once.
I puzzled over it, hiding alone, Watching the woman as she neared the gate. He came, and I saw him crouching Night after night. Night after night He came, and I saw him crouching, Watching the woman as she neared the gate.
I puzzled over it, hiding alone -- Though I knew I should act at once, For reasons that I failed to understand I dared not Put him to flight forever.
A closer look (he seemed to turn) might have Revealed in the ragged moon. A momentary glimpse of gleaming eyes A shape amid the shadows, Blackness that moved.
Peering furtively from behind a bush, I saw him for the first time, Entering the lonely house with my wife.
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