... than this:
http://forums.gov.ph/thread.asp?rootID=127876&catID=25 please, please show me! The Philippines is a Spanish creation, bah!
I quote the beginning of the forum post:
"The Philippines is a Spanish creation. Without Spain, there would have been no Philippines to talk about. If we weren't conquered by Spain, we would have ended up as either separate warring kingdoms/tribes (tribu de los tagalos, tribu de las visayas, tribu de los ilocanos, tribu de los mangyanes, etc.) or a Portuguese/Indonesian territory..."
And it gets worse from that point on. No, I will not sully my humble blog by quoting more. Jose Mario "Pepe" Alas, if you want to kneel before those Spanish bastards who raped this lands for more than three hundred years and lick their smelly asses again, be my fucking guest! But keep your dirty paws off the Internet if you don't have anything worthwhile to say!
You're almost literally saying that the pre-hispanic Philippines without any outside interference could not establish itself as a state, forgetting only too well that even your European colonizers started off as small conquering tribes before they banded up to become a big conquering monstrosity that used the bible and the sword to subjugate what was to become Pilipinas.
The Spanish brought the religion of my forefathers to this country and if my ancestors up to my mother and father found solace in the Roman Catholic brand of Christianity then well and good but make no mistake that the only reason and purpose that the name of Christ was cast into this mess is for subjugation and control! Spain was not interested in what the Indios, as a people, could offer, they were only interested in the natural resources these lands could yield. Why else would they not make us a proper province after three hundred long years? Why else, would they hold a religion that teaches love and goodwill to all men as a sword over our poor ancestors' heads? "Pay your dues or the fires of hell will consume you...", my father recalls very well why his grandfather and relatives was forced to move from Camiguin to the forests of Zamboanga del Sur, to escape the wrath of Spanish friars whose taxes they could not afford to pay anymore with what remained of their dignity.
Now tell me about this creation bullshit again?